My $5k Startup - Buy Now
My $5k Startup - Buy Now
Do you have a business idea, that keeps you up at night?
I do - I have lots of them, too many of them! shrimpa my newest tech product was one of those ideas - even though I knew what to do and what I had to do, I didn't have the capacity to do any of those things and after so many nights lying awake thinking about it I decided to actually do all the things I tell other people to do.
Just to make things even harder I knew I wanted to document the journey and share some advice, tips, tricks and hacks - part journal of the journey, part playbook the story of shrimpa my $5k startup is for all the people that don't have time, money or capacity to start a business, but still want to (I know what a juxtaposition).
If you're into startups, small biz, entrepreneurship, regional oz AND if you can't sleep at night because of that idea niggling away in your head, this book is for you!
First print 365 copies only!
Books ships 14 February 2018
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