Cookies - the corporate gift to give, when you don't need to give a gift #yum


I want to write an essay and tell you a million things about Dough Re Mi

Meredith the cookie queen is a good friend of mine and trust me if you got to spend more than 5 minutes with her, you would want to be her BFF too!

She is smart, kind, creative, caring and hello - she bakes cookies!

What started as a fundraiser (baking cookies instead of selling sausages) has turned into a cookie empire. Not only is that a short version of a long story, don’t even get me started on the creativity, social media sass the team she has built, the science and environmentally friendly impacts of her biz ++ all this is web based, no bricks all clicks, from the www Dough Re Mi services big brands and kids parties all across Oz!

Any who because of all of the above ^^ whenever I go anywhere I get myself a batch of custom cookies because it is the perfect gift to give, when you don’t need to give a gift. As a founder of an App that is awesome but it isn’t anything physical to show, but corporate cookies, speak for themselves.

custom corporate cookies - Dough Re Mi

Again thanks Meredith and team Dough Re Mi - my fellow panel members and RBA staff loved the cookies and I get to share the story of another regional startup doing amazing things.


ps -FUN FACT you can’t actually print a $100 bill

pps - if you are looking for a speaker say hello and for cookies go HERE

simone eyles